Ace 7030 Anaesthesia Machine:
- The ACE Series Anaesthesia Machine is a continuous flow system capable of delivering multiple gases and anaesthetic agents.
- The flowmeter on/off switch is conveniently mounted below the flowmeter bank and includes a shroud to prevent inadvertent turning off.
- Auxiliary High pressure Oxygen Outlet for Ventilator.
- Both sides of the machine incorporate 3 dovetail grooves for mounting ventilators, monitors and other ancillary equipment. T
- A Mechanical Anti Hypoxic Device allows a minimum of 25% Oxygen at all times and it cutoff the Nitrous oxide Supply if Oxygen Fails.
- The flowmeter tubes are mounted close to the front of the flowmeter bank for a greater viewing angle and a bright back ground provides improved vision of the flow tubes in low light conditions.
- Two Flow Tubes : 0.1-10 LPM for O2 & 0.2 - 12 LPM for N2O available in ACE 7000.
Three Flow Tubes: 0.1- 10 LPM for O2, 0.2 -12 LPM for N2O & 0.2 – 15 LPM for Air available in ACE 7020.
Five Flow Tubes: 0.1 - 1 LPM & 1 - 10 LPM for O2, 0.1 - 1 LPM & 1- 10 LPM for N2O (Low flow & HighFlow), 0.2-15 LPM for Air available in ACE 7030.